少し前になるのですが、昨年の11月下旬にCOLONY BMX BRAND のオーナーClint Millar (クリント・ミラー) さんに会いにオーストラリアのブリスベンに行ってきました。
この日はNick Richardson (ニック・リチャードソン) さんのシグネイチャーフレームの撮影をするという事で同行。朝7:30 にBeenleigh BMX パークに集合しました!
またインタビューを読んでもらう事で、COLONY というBMXブランドの事、そしてオーストラリアBMXシーンに興味を持ってもらい、人の往来が生まれ、活発になる事を願っています。
こんにちは!クリント・ミラーです。年齢は44歳、COLONY BMX BRAND のオーナーです。BMX歴は34年で、フリースタイルBMX歴は30年です。
私が初めてあなたのライディングを見たのは、Props Issue 57。2005年ドイツで行われてたThe Rebel Jam でした。ライムグリーンのバイクでフロントブレーキを使い、高度なトリックを安定的に出来るミニランプでのライディングが印象的でした。海外のコンテストにはよく出場しましたか?
はい、1995年は私の最初の海外の大会出場でした。私はホフマンのオクラホマで開催されたBS COMP に参加しました。出場クラスはビギナー、ニートゥビー、スタントボーイとプロ。私はその当時まだプロレベルではありませんでした。スタントボーイはジョー・リッチやデイブ・フライマスの様なライダーのクラスで、そのレベルでもないので、その1つ下のクラスに出場しました。フラットランド、パーク、ミニランプで勝利し、その後プロの出場権を獲得し、プロで8位を獲得しました。その後、沢山の世界中の大会に参加し、2000年にドイツで行われた世界大会に出場した後、私にとって道が開かれました。
私は最初のオーストラリア人プロライダーです。私のすぐ後にコリン・マッケイ、彼はアメリカに行って成功しました。その後にコリー・ボーハン、デイブ・ディルワード、ライアン・グーとラー、スティーブ・マッカン。私は海外のプロ コンペティションのBS COMP に参戦した最初のオーストラリア人です。
いつCOLONY を設立しましたか?またなぜBMXを作りたかったのですか?
2005年にスタートしました。その当時私は世界中で旅行しながら大会に参戦していました。他のどの国も自国のバイクブランドがありました。アメリカ、カナダ、ドイツ、イギリス、スペイン、しかしオーストラリアにはありませんでした。私はそれを変える必要があると思いました。そしてCOLONY を始めました。当初はただ小さいパーツブランドになる予定で、バーエンドやペグをリリースしたら爆発的な人気となり、みんなから沢山のフレームやコンプリートバイクのリクエストをもらい実行しました。約2年間ブランドを続けるまであまり実感がなかったのですが、私がシドニーの大きい大会に行った時に2台に1台のバイクに何かしらのCOLONY のパーツが使われていました。私はその時、自分やっている事がみんなの為になっている!事を実感しました。そしてそれ以来ブランドを継続し、集中して取り組んでいます。
COLONY の将来のビジョンを教えてください。
私はクオリティーが十分でライダー達に本当に喜んでもらえる様な商品を作っていきたいです。私が目指している事はライダー達にBMXに乗り続けてもらい、楽しんで欲しいと思っています。他の沢山のブランドのオーナーはライダーではなかったり、もう辞めてしまっていたり、長い間乗っていない人が多いでしょう。しかし私は長い年月の間、今だにライダーである事によって違った角度からの視野を持っています。実際に今現在、私は出来る限りのライディングをしようとしています。今日は乗り過ぎましたが (笑) そうする事が私にとってブランドをどの様に進めて行くべきか?の道しるべになります。また良い商品を作る為にチームライダー達からの意見を取り入れています。もし彼らが商品に対して納得しない場合は作りません。これらは全て沢山の子供達にBMXに乗って楽しんで欲しいという想いから来ています。
OZ BMX シーン
私は2005 ~ 2006年にワーキングホリデービザを使ってブリスベンに住んでいました。当時、車の免許を持っていなかった私は電車に乗って色々なパークに行き、ライディングを楽しんでいました。その時に感じた事はスケーターより圧倒的にBMXライダーが多い事でした。なぜスケーターよりBMXライダーが多いのですか?
Can you please introduce yourself
Konnichi-wa! my name is Clint Millar. I’m 44 years old. I’m the owner of Colony BMX. I have been riding Freestyle BMX for 30 years now, BMX Itself for about 34 years.
How old were you when you started riding and what inspired you to start riding?
I got my first BMX when I was 10 years old, so that would’ve been in 1984. I always had it to just jump off a piece of wood on bricks. My neighbours, they were I guess well off, they had their own BMX track in their back yard. We used to have a race every weekend. It was my younger sister who would race my older sister and then my older sister would win, then my older sister would race his sister and his sister would win, and his sister race me and I would win, and then I would race him and he would always win. And He would always take home the trophy but one time I actually won. I’ve got to take home the trophy.
In 1988, I moved to Brisbane from a small town and we were coming from a farm & I had a cow called Coco. When I moved up here I sold that cow Coco to buy my first BMX parts to build my bike. I have never looked back since.
Did you make an effort to be a pro-rider?
I’ve never made an effort to that. Living in Australia, getting magazine, watching videos, It didn’t even become a question that you could be a pro-rider and be have to likes of Dennis McCoy, Dave Mirra, Matt Hoffman and Dave Freimuth, Dave Osato all those guys, this wasn’t even a thing. I just liked riding my bike, travel around and ride and then sort of started happening. It wasn’t a thing that I want to be a pro like a lot of kids today where they the whole fixation of riding.
Who inspire you to be a pro-rider?
I was the pretty much first Australian to do that. Right after me was Colin Macay, he went to the states and did well. And then after that Corey Bohan, Dave Dillewaard, Ryan Guettler and Steve McCann. I was the first to enter the pro comp overseas at a BS comp.
I saw your riding for the first time in Props issue 57. It was a scene from the Rebel in Germany in 2005. It was memorable for me that you were on Mint green bike doing super tech lip tricks with front brakes.
did you join a lot of comp in overseas?
Yeah. Since 1995 was my first comp overseas. I went to Hoffman BS comp in Oklahoma. There were 4 classes, beginner , need to be?, stunt boy and pro. I wasn’t Pro level. Stunt boy was like for a guys like Joe Rich, Dave Freimuth so I couldn’t enter that. So I thought I would go to the level below. And I won flatland, park and mini ramp and I’ve got overall. And then next comp I went to, came back to the states, and went in the stunt boy class and then they said I have to ride pro so I did, I got 8th in that. And then just sort went to lots of other comps around the world. Then went to Worlds in Germany in 2000. That was really opened up to me.
How do you ride these days?
Every year I try to put an edit out for what I’ve done for the last 5 years for my birthday. I spend my birthday riding my bike and doing everything I can in one day filming it and putting it in an edit, as for me its a bit of a goal for each year I get older to show and prove to myself that I can still ride. But every year it gets harder…
Is there any advice for young riders?
I guess my biggest thing and advice for any other rider out there is your main focus should be fun. If you are out there thinking you gonna ride and be professional make money out of it do whatever, you are probably doing it for the wrong reason. It’s good to have those dreams but don’t let that be your self focus of motivation. As long as you are having fun, everything else will follow that. You just need to be riding for the right reason, basically, having a fun and good things will come from that.
When did you start up colony and Why did you wanted to own BMX brand?
Started in 2005. At that time, I was traveling world riding competing. Every other country had bike brand, US, Canada, Germany, England, Spain but there is no Australian Brand. I thought that needs to change. So I started Colony. It just meant be a small parts brand, I was gonna make some bar ends and some pegs and released it, and blew up massively, everyone was asking for frames and complete bikes and then I went forward with it. I guess it did’t really hit me until about 2 years of doing it. I went down to the big comp in Sydney and every second bike has something Colony on it. I was like oh wow I’m actually doing something that people like. And then I just kept going from there and being my focus ever since.
What is the origin of the name of the company?
I wanted something Australian for the brand. So that it could be recognised as an Australian brand. But I didn’t wanna call it “Bogan” or “Southern Cross Bikes” or something, that just would be bad. And then a word colony came up. Australia used to be refer to as English colony and It was new colonial Australia. We found that this word just popped up that was perfect. It says we are Australian. It felt good.
Your company makes a lot of complete bikes and parts, what is your main concept of the designs and geometries?
Yes. It have to be something I would definitely wanna ride. I don’t wanna bring our parts just for the sake of bring up another parts for making money. It has be something I actually genuinely believe in or know that there are riders out there actually want ride it. I don’t wanna bring our stuff for the sake of putting Colony brand name on it, It has to be something some sort of twist on it as much as I can. I guess the motivation is just try to be some of them are innovative but also to be leading own way, not looking at other brand so much. I generally don’t look other brands do. I just do what I wanna do and let that be our direction.
Can you tell me your future vision for colony?
I just wanna keep making products that riders actually want to ride and buy and making products are good enough so that when riders buy them, they are not discourage by product failing and realising that BMX is expensive. What I want is keep them in BMX and basically having a fun with it.
As myself being still a rider and has been for all those years, I guess it gives me different perspective on a lot of stuff where a lot of brands owned by people that aren’t riders or don’t ride anymore or haven’t ridden for years. So being fact that I still ride as much as I can now. I mean today we just rode so much, I am hurting.. haha. And then that gives me different perspective on what I wanna do with my brand to keep going forward and basically making products that rider want to ride and keep it on front of that, with my team, I listen to what they think is good. If they think something is not right, we stop doing it. we not gonna do it just for the hell of it. It’s just keeping Colony true and making the best stuff as we can and all about promoting BMX and getting more kids into it.
I was living in Brisbane back in between 2005 to 2006 on working holiday visa.
I was having fun riding many different skateparks using the train because I didn’t own a car back then. I saw way more bike riders than skaters.
why do you think there are more bike riders than skaters?
I would agree with that. I would say Australia to this day has highest potation of BMX riders anywhere in the world. Because simple reasons, great wether all year around. We don’t have terrible cold wether and amazing abundance of parks and facilities for people to ride. I mean you drive 10 minute from here you can ride different parks. And seriously within an hour circle driving in Brisbane, that would be 200 hundreds different parks you can ride easily. Even today we were at three different skateparks, that is just tip of the iceberg. We drove past other parks today to get to where we going but we didn’t bother going to. There are so many reasons for kids to ride.
However, the skate industry is still bigger than BMX industry. Skate industry is different. It doesn’t just run off skaters, it runs off fashion. People who have never touched skateboard buy their products because they think it’s cool which feed skate industry. But no one buy BMX teeshirts or whatever.
Another reason of high population of BMX rider is because Australia is such a spread out country, I guess everyones first motive transport as a kids is BMX bike. So kids ride to school on BMX bike and then start at spark of ahead, they start doing jumps and tricks then interested in BMX.
Is there any government or council policy to build skateparks?
Yes. That is why there are so many skateparks in Australia because get local government and council quite behind it. They are not behind BMX, they are getting behind youth basically, because of who go to parks. skaters, BMXers and now scooter riders too. It’s one of a child care facility.
There are many OZ riders have been standing out in the jam and comp in all over the world.
like Alex Hiam, Chris James, Jake Wallwork from colony and Jason watts, Dylan Lewis and Logan Martin etc.. Why do you think this is happning?
I guess it’s Australian attitude as well as environment. Because we are so far away from everything else, we watch videos and magazines. It would appear that all the riders in videos pulling everything every go because it’s edited and all the mistakes have been taking out. We looked at it and thought we have to pull every trick ever time. So my whole riding has always been doing every thing ever time and be very consistent and do practice it and practice it.. that’s same for other Australian riders we don’t know any other way..
What do you think you need to nurture good riders?
I guess most rides if I’m gonna sponsor them, they are already pretty good and talented then I spot them. And let get them more involved in Colony more like family, keep it real and legit and caring as much as we can and taking it to the next level. It’s sort of showing in the way that it’s all about having a fun. If you are having a fun and progressing and genuinely love BMX, that’s the when good things would come. But if your are doing it to be famous or attention, it’s not gonna work out.
What is happening in Brisbane’s bike scene at the moment?
It’s definitely less competitions never used to be before. But with the recent olympic movement, I’ve actually seen that changed a little bit. Government is interested in investing in BMX now which is good to see. But some people may not like it but those people need to sit back and ignore it. Unless you are being olympic athlete, whole olympic movement shouldn’t even concern you. You need to look at it as a positive thing. it’s gonna bring more attention to BMX. If you are talk shit about it, that’s just silly because unless it affect you personally, just go along with it and accept that’s a good thing. It will bring bigger and better things for BMX.